Daily schedule:
7.00 – 8.00 Breakfast
8.00 – 12.00 Individual projects
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 18.00 Individual projects
18.00 – 20.00 Dinner
20.00 – 22.00 Individual projects
Weather: fine, windy Tides: High tide - 10:00, Low tide - 16:05
Details: Today the second round of individual projects started. During the day, group 2 (orientation of Tridacna clams) and group 3 (echinoderm diversity on Lady Elliott Island reef flat) did some literature research and group 1 (coral and invertebrate zonation and biodiversity on the reef flat), started with a snorkelling at 9.00 AM. At 10.00 AM the first were back and complained about the frosty water temperature. After this cool adventure the group decided to work at low tide like the other two groups.
Group 2 investigated the clams in a part of the lagoon and measured about 89 of them.
Group 3 started the investigation in two groups at 2.00 PM, one at Coral Gardens, Marc and Julien, and the other one, Kristin and Xenia, at the Lagoon in front of the dining area. After four hours of echinoderm identification lessons the group, supported by Dr. Mike Reich, were caught by the receeding sun and did not finish the inspection of the lagoon.
After dinner the groups started to work on their presentations, but most students were so tired from the hard day's work that after 9.00 PM nearly nobody worked anymore.
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